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How Freedom Care Group Saved 10 Hours a Month With Budgetly

About Freedom Care Group

Freedom Care Group is an emerging NDIS service provider with over 100 years of clinical experience in Allied Health services. The organisation offers various support services to NDIS participants, such as social support, Supported Independent Living (SIL), allied health and therapeutic services, and early childhood intervention. 

About Budgetly

Budgetly is an Australian prepaid corporate card and expense management software provider. We’re committed to making expense management easy for all companies and improving their processes. Our service is adopted by many NDIS service providers, aged care providers, non-profits, and businesses across Australia.


Freedom Care Group is an NDIS service provider located in Villawood, NSW. The company employs support workers to care for registered participants and offers various care services such as in-home services, social and community participation, and long-term accommodation. 


In their day-to-day job, support workers would pay for company and participant-related expenses and submit a reimbursement claim for it later. However, this system proved to be complicated because: 


  • Employees were using their own money. Many staff were using their own pocket money for expenses, which proved difficult as they may not have the money to make the day-to-day purchases. 
  • Invoices were getting lost. Due to the admin-heavy process, staff were losing invoices and receipts. These invoices were also being sent accidentally to the wrong departments, which caused finance teams to spend unnecessary time searching for them. 
  • There was no tracking of staff expenses. Because invoices and receipts were being misplaced, finance teams could not track expenses - leaving many of them unaccounted. This further caused a delay in staff reimbursements. 
  • Employee morale was low. Employee productivity was negatively impacted because of the additional delays in their reimbursement. 


As the Chief Financial Officer for Freedom Care Group, Ahmad Alsayed knew that an efficient expense management system was crucial for the company to cut down administrative time and not lose valuable staff. 


Our Solution 

Budgetly provided the company with 12 visa prepaid corporate cards, which include access to expense management software that’s usable on a mobile app, desktop, and laptop. 


With these cards, staff can now use their Budgetly card to pay, capture their receipts using their smartphones, and upload them to the Budgetly app. Finance teams can also add money to the preloaded cards, which eases the burden on staff using their cash for expenses. 

Example of the Budgetly app


In addition, most transaction details, such as vendor name and transaction amounts, are automatically recorded in the app - saving a lot of time on reconciliation. Finance teams can also view all transactions in real-time, which provides better control and visibility than reimbursements. 


Example of Budgetly’s system

Example of Budgetly’s system


With Budgetly, Ahmad can also enjoy these flexible benefits: 


  • Instantly edit budgets by adding or reducing funds
  • Sync all transactions with Xero
  • Instantly issue an unlimited number of cards 
  • Set spending limits on staff cards, so they don’t go over budget
  • Get overall better control of all company budgets, and eliminate tedious administrative tasks
  • Set budgets to roll over or reset for the month or week, or as a one-time expense



Since introducing Budgetly’s prepaid corporate card for their staff, Freedom Care Group has found an easier expense management solution. For Ahmad, it contributed to better time efficiencies for his team. 


“Prior to Budgetly, we spent an average of 30 minutes a day going over invoices, following up with support workers and making the reimbursement. With Budgetly, it has cut down that time and solved all my problems with managing staff expenses.” 

Ahmad Alsayed, CFO 


Budgetly was also a superior expense management option for the company, as it gave finance teams better visibility and greater control in setting spending limits. 


My team and I had been looking for an expense management solution for some time. We asked the banks and signed up for a credit card from the post office, but I have yet to find a product that offers me the same solution as Budgetly.” 

Ahmad Alsayed, CFO 


Would Ahmad recommend Budgetly to other NDIS service providers? 


“Definitely. Budgetly may not have saved us physical money, but it has saved us time. And as you know, time is money! Plus, the level of help and support I’ve received from the team is also extraordinary.”

Ahmad Alsayed, CFO 


For more information on Budgetly and how we work, schedule a demo with us today, or watch a 10-minute recorded demo.

Going on a Woolies run? It's much easier with Budgetly.

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